
AgentAnalyst: AI Teammate for Data-Driven Decision Making

Written by Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 09 September 2024


In today’s business landscape, data has become a key driver of strategic decision-making, helping enterprises navigate market dynamics, optimize operations, and foster innovation. Once a passive outcome of transactions, data is now central to business success, enabling organizations to gain a competitive edge, enhance customer relationships, and streamline operations across industries like finance and healthcare. However, the growing volume and complexity of data make extracting actionable insights increasingly challenging. This began the next wave of AI—agentic, multi-agent systems that team up to work in harmony toward automated data analytics and decision-making. The agentic workflow embedded helps automate data analysis tasks that are high-value and complex for business in efficiency with real-time delivery of insights for quicker and better decisions.

This blog will delve into the technical aspects of this framework, exploring how it works, the technologies that power it, and the benefits it offers to financial institutions and their customers.


Key Challenges of AgentAnalyst

1.Fragmentation of Data Sources: Business organizations have to work with data scattered across an organization's multiple departments, systems, and geographic locations, leading to unstructured practices of data collection, storage, and analysis. Such fragmentation impedes the process of maintaining a single and holistic view of the business. 

2.Technical Complexity: Traditional data analysis tools require specialized knowledge and technical expertise, creating a barrier for non-technical users. This complexity can slow down the process of deriving valuable insights, leading to inefficiencies in decision-making.

3.Slow Insight Generation: Manual data processing and outdated analytical methodologies delay the delivery of actionable insights. In fast-paced business environments, these delays reduce agility and responsiveness, impacting the ability to make timely strategic decisions. 
4.Inconsistent Data Quality: With data originating from diverse and often unstructured sources, ensuring consistent data quality remains a challenge. Poor data quality can result in inaccurate or misleading insights, which can adversely affect business outcomes. 
5.Resource Constraints: Data analysis often demands significant time and human resources, diverting valuable personnel from higher-level strategic tasks. The reliance on skilled professionals further limits the scalability of traditional data analysis methods. 
6.Inability to Scale: As organizations grow, the volume of data increases exponentially. Traditional methods struggle to scale efficiently, making it difficult for businesses to keep up with data demands and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. 

To overcome these hurdles, AgentAnalyst AI teammate, steps in to revolutionize the data analysis process. Agent Analyst integrates disparate data sources, automates complex analytical tasks, and accelerates the time to actionable insights. Leveraging cutting-edge AI algorithms, not only simplifies data processing but also ensures that insights are generated in real-time, enabling organizations to stay ahead in their decision-making processes. This transformative tool enables businesses to extract more value from their data, empowering them to make smarter, faster, and more informed decisions.



AgentAnalyst is a multiagent system powered by LLMs and designed to address the complexities of data analysis, making it more accessible and efficient for businesses. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, AgentAnalyst simplifies the data analysis process and empowers enterprises to derive actionable insights quickly and effectively. AgentAnalyst is an AI-powered data analysis tool designed to transform raw data into actionable insights instantly. It empowers teams to make informed, real-time decisions using Natural Language, bridging the gap between complex data analysis and everyday business operations.


How AgentAnalyst Solves These Challenges with Innovation

1. Quick Start with Any Data

AgentAnalyst enables users to initiate data analysis swiftly, regardless of database size or complexity. Its streamlined setup allows businesses to leverage data without delays. The intuitive interface ensures both technical and non-technical users can easily navigate the platform and quickly extract insights.

2. Turn Data into Strategy with Natural Language:

Agent Analyst’s advanced NLP capabilities allow users to query data in plain English, making it accessible to non-technical staff. The platform translates complex data into actionable insights, enabling businesses to make strategic decisions faster.

3. Real-Time Decision Making:

With real-time data analysis, AgentAnalyst provides instant insights, helping businesses respond to changing conditions quickly. Continuous monitoring ensures users are alerted to key trends or changes in data for timely decision-making.

4. Transform Business Experts into Analytics Leaders:
By simplifying data analysis, AgentAnalyst empowers business professionals to take the lead in data-driven decision-making. Its collaborative environment bridges the gap between technical and business teams, driving better outcomes across the organization. 

Key Features and Capabilities Of AgentAnalyst

1. Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP)

AgentAnalyst processes queries in natural language, making complex data insights easily accessible without the need for technical expertise.

2. Real-Time Data Processing

The platform delivers immediate insights from live data streams, ensuring businesses can make timely and effective decisions.

3. Customizable Dashboards and Reports:

Users can create tailored dashboards and reports, facilitating the visualization of data in meaningful and actionable ways.

4. Scalability

The platform handles data of varying sizes and complexities, growing with the business to accommodate expanding data and analytical needs.

5. Security and Compliance:

The platform ensures data security and compliance with industry standards, protecting sensitive information while enabling robust data analysis.

How AgentAnalyst Works

1. Connecting to User Databases

AgentAnalyst is fully integrated with various user databases, in the cloud or on-premises. With native connectors and APIs present to process structured and unstructured data sources including Postgres, Snowflake, Athena, and MongoDB, this platform seamlessly integrates with your choice. Such a complex creation of these connections is achieved through the Master Orchestrator Agent which consists of LLM and a Knowledge Graph.

Step 1: Connect to Data sources


2. Data Querying and Generating Insights
One of the high points of the AgentAnalyst is handling simple and complex queries through NLP. The Data Analysis Agent is at the very core in this regard:

•Natural Language Queries: The system allows users to interact with it in their own spoken language. 
Agent Workflow: The agent gets its information based on what the user's query is about. The outcome of  query can be directly visualized or, depending on the case, piped through more complex analysis agents.

Step 2: Querying Data and Generating Insights


3. Advanced Analytical Capabilities

Beyond basic querying, AgentAnalyst truly excels in executing advanced analytics with its Data Analysis Agent, Anomaly Detection Agent, and visualization agent for deeper insights into descriptive analysis and visualization.

Step 3: Advanced Analytical Dashboard


Technical Architecture of AgentAnalyst

AgentAnalyst is built on a multi-agent framework that involves multiple agents to coordinate together to produce a meaningful result orchestrated by a master agent. 

Figure: Technical Architecture of AgentAnalyst

AgentAnalyst is more than a simple data analysis tool. It is backed by an advanced multi-agent system that changes how users interact with their data fundamentally. The agent analyst makes use of a network of specialized AI agents that are individually capable of performing tasks and can harmoniously work towards achieving the derivation of rich insights from data.

1. Data Sources
The Agent Analyst connects to multiple data sources, which range from traditional to cloud-based databases hosting structured and unstructured data. 
Postgres: An older, mature relational database platform that has wide use within large enterprise transactional data processing.
• Snowflake: Big data and cloud data warehousing for analytics workloads

Athena: Athena from AWS is a query analytics service for S3 storage. It can be used to perform analytics on big data in the cloud using SQL.

2. Master Orchestrator
It acts as a central control agent for interactions between various agents along the data life cycle. It also handles and orchestrates the flow of data incoming from the data sources and delegates them to the data transformation agent for preprocessing. It then orchestrates the flow between all the agents to complete the defined goal.
3. Data Preprocessing Agent
The Data Processing Agent wraps the ingestion of data, pre-processing, and transformation into one neat workflow. It helps in maintaining consistency for data in these different formats of data sets. It then cleans and preprocesses the data with several correctness checks over it, handling missing values before the transformation.

4. Data Analysis Agent
The core analytical operations are done by the Data Analysis Agent. The agent will comprise both descriptive and predictive analytics. It helps derive critical insights from the data that would support the day-to-day business intelligence activities, including advanced analytics such as "What if" and cohort analyses.

5. Anomaly Detection Agent
The Anomaly Detection Agent identifies outliers in the data, for instance when a trend unusually deviates or when fraud exists in the data. The agent uses sophisticated techniques of machine learning algorithms to automatically recommend the best action based on findings associated with the trends in resources.

6. RAG Agent (Retrieval-Augmented-Generation)
The RAG Agent is used to answer the questions instantaneously by handling the high-frequency, low-complexity queries and freeing higher-order agents to perform complex analytics.

7. Visualization Agent
It gives automated creation of personalized visual reports and dashboards from the insights coming out of the data. It transforms raw data into intuitive graphical formats including graphs, charts, and heatmaps.

8. Final processing
• Data Insights: Insights derived from the Data Analysis Agent are provided to the user for decision-making.
• Insights: AI-driven predictions and business recommendations generated by the AI Insights Agent.
• Simple Query Results: Quick answers to user queries processed by the RAG Agent.

• Custom Visuals: Visual reports generated by the Visualization Agent that help users understand the data and the insights it provides.

Data Flow and Processing

1. Preprocessing: The data ingested is delegated for preprocessing to the Data Preprocessing Agent by the orchestrator to ensure quality and consistency.
2. Analysis: Cleaned data is analyzed by the Data Analysis Agent, which may involve statistical, predictive, and clustering analyses.
3. Insights Generation: The Data analysis Agent and anomaly agent refine the analysis, check for outliers, and provide actionable insights.
4. Query Handling: The RAG Agent responds to user queries using the processed data.
5. Visualization: The Visualization Agent creates charts and dashboards to represent the data insights.

  • Technological Stack

  • Our composite AI framework utilizes the components from traditional Machine learning to advance Multi-agent systems:

  • Layer 



    Multiagent Layer 




    Advanced agent frameworks like LangChain, AutoGen, and Langraph for multi-functional AI agents. 

    Master Orchestrator Agent 

    Built with LLM (Large Language Models) and Knowledge Graphs to manage agent orchestration and inter-agent communication. 

    RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Agent 

    Uses Langchain, LlamaIndex, and Knowledge Graphs 

    Data Analysis Agent 

    Powered by Domain-specific LLMs, scikit-learn, TensorFlow 

    Visualization Agent 

    Matplotlib, Plotly,  for creating visual dashboards 

    Data Layer 

    Data Pipeline 

    Qdrant for vector data, Apache Airflow for scheduling ETL tasks, AWS Glue, and Google Dataflow for managing ETL processes. 


    Backend pipelines 

    Crafted with the best industry practices to build secure and scalable APIs. 


    User Interface 

    User Interface was developed using best practices with security and user-friendliness in mind 


    Infrastructure layer 


    Utilizes best-in-class infrastructure options including on-premises, cloud-based, and hybrid solutions. 


  • Integration with Existing Data Systems

One of the standout features of AgentAnalyst is its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide array of industry-standard platforms, ensuring that the data analysis workflows remain smooth and uninterrupted. 
Agent Analyst also supports the development of APIs and data connectors for application-specific integrations, aside from support for standard integrations. These custom connectors enable seamless data flow into the system for analysis, for example:

•Databricks: AgentAnalyst easily integrates with Databricks for big data and machine learning. Fetch insights from the setup by pulling data from Databricks on your data querying and analysis.

•AWS S3: AgentAnalyst allows querying with structured and unstructured data in an S3 bucket —one of the most preferred cloud storages—making querying large datasets from the cloud easy.

•SAP: AgentAnalyst connects to SAP modules for current data operational analysis in real-time.

•Snowflake: AgentAnalyst natively connects to the Snowflake Data Warehouse, whereby large-scale datasets can easily be queried and analyzed through the power of Snowflakes' storage and computing.
•Big Query: Large-scale data within the Google Cloud environment can be analyzed easily. 

Traditional AI Solutions vs AgentAnalyst



Traditional AI Solutions


Interface and Usability

Typically requires manual setup and the use of complex query languages like SQL. User experience can be challenging, especially for non-technical users.

Agent Analyst offers a user-friendly interface with natural language querying, making it accessible to users without technical expertise.

Query Handling

Often relies on predefined queries or requires specialized knowledge to retrieve data. May need custom scripts for specific queries.

The Agent analyst allows users to ask conversational queries in natural language, such as "What was last month’s revenue?" for instant insights.

Automation and Efficiency

Limited automation; requires manual intervention for data ingestion, preprocessing, and transformation tasks.

Agent Analyst integrates multiple AI agents to automate the entire workflow from data ingestion to analysis.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics are often handled by separate modules or external tools, requiring extra setup and configuration.

Built-in advanced analytics with AI-driven modules, including statistical, predictive without additional setup.

Real-Time Insights

It May offer batch processing with delays in data analysis; real-time analytics are not always standard.

Agent Analyst supports real-time data analysis, providing up-to-date insights with agents working continuously on live data.

Integration with systems

Integration with external systems often requires custom development, APIs, or third-party connectors. Time-consuming and may lead to compatibility issues.

Designed with seamless integration in mind, supporting platforms like Databricks, AWS S3, SAP, Snowflake, and Google Big Query with minimal setup and compatibility issues.


Use Cases and Applications of AgentAnalyst

Agent Analyst’s AI-powered data analysis capabilities can transform how industries leverage their data, offering tailored solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insights.

1. Enterprises:

  • Historical Sales Data Analysis: Review past sales performance and identify trends to improve forecasting accuracy.

  • Customer Data Analysis: Segment customers based on behavior and demographics to create targeted marketing strategies.

  • Workforce Data Evaluation: Assess employee performance metrics to enhance talent management and optimize productivity.

2. Finance:

  • Transaction Data Analysis: Monitor and analyze transaction data to detect and prevent fraud.

  • • Credit Score Analysis: Evaluate customer credit histories to make informed lending decisions.

  • • Financial Report Analysis: Quickly analyze financial statements to assess profitability and financial health.

3. Manufacturing:

  • Production Data Analysis: Monitor production data to optimize manufacturing processes and reduce waste.

  • • Inventory Data Analysis: Analyze inventory levels to prevent stockouts and manage supplies efficiently.

  • • Supply Chain Data Analysis: Review supply chain data to improve logistics and vendor management.

4. Supply Chain:

  • Demand Forecasting Analysis: Use historical sales data to predict future demand and optimize inventory levels.

  • • Logistics Data Analysis: Analyze delivery and transportation data to improve route planning and reduce costs.

  • • Supplier Data Analysis: Evaluate supplier performance to ensure reliable and timely deliveries.

  • 5. Healthcare:
  • Patient Data Analysis: Review patient histories to identify trends and improve treatment plans.

  • • Medical Records Analysis: Analyze medical records for better clinical decision-making and patient care.

    • Operational Data Analysis: Optimize hospital operations by analyzing data on patient flow and resource allocation.

  • Benefits of Using AgentAnalyst

  • 1.Enhanced Data Accessibility

    Users can interact with data using natural language, eliminating the need for specialized technical knowledge. This democratizes data access, allowing all employees to perform complex data analysis effortlessly. The platform's user-friendly design ensures that users can easily navigate and utilize its features, further reducing the learning curve.

2. Comprehensive Data Integration

Integrate data from various sources such as databases, spreadsheets, and third-party applications into a single, cohesive platform. This holistic view enables more accurate and comprehensive analysis. Agent Analyst supports seamless connectivity with numerous data sources, ensuring that all relevant data is available for analysis without manual data consolidation.

3. Improved Decision-Making

Real-Time Insights: Access up-to-the-minute data, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to emerging trends and changes in the market. This capability is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Automated alerts for specific data thresholds or events ensure that critical information is delivered to decision-makers promptly.

4. Predictive Analytics

Leverage advanced predictive models to forecast future trends and outcomes, aiding in proactive decision-making and strategic planning. Perform scenario analysis to evaluate potential outcomes of different business strategies, helping to identify the most beneficial course of action.


AgentAnalyst offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to harness the power of their data. With advanced NLP capabilities, real-time insights, and a user-friendly interface, Agent Analyst enhances data accessibility, improves decision-making, and provides customizable, scalable solutions. To fully realize these benefits, businesses should integrate AgentAnalyst into their existing workflows. This integration transforms raw data into strategic assets, driving better outcomes and achieving a competitive edge. Embrace Agent Analyst to unlock the full potential of your data and empower your team to make data-driven decisions with confidence.