
Unleashing the Future of Knowledge Management with Agentic AI and Workflows

Written by Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 15 September 2024


In the dynamic evolving landscape, the ability to harness knowledge efficiently has become critical to organizational success. Traditional knowledge management systems often fall short in terms of adaptability, scalability, and autonomy. This is where multi-agent AI systems step in, offering a dynamic, intelligent approach to managing and utilizing vast repositories of information. By utilizing autonomous agents, organizations can streamline the process of acquiring, managing, and retrieving knowledge with minimal human intervention.  

This blog explores the architecture and benefits of a multi-agent system designed for an autonomous knowledge base, with a focus on how Akira AI’s solution transforms the landscape. 


Exploring AI Agents in Akira AI's Autonomous Knowledge Base

AI Agents 

AI agents are computer programs designed to perform tasks autonomously by making decisions based on their environment, input, and specific objectives. Unlike traditional automation systems that rigidly follow predefined instructions, AI agents can think, adapt, and act independently. They are equipped to assess their surroundings, learn from previous experiences, and make decisions aimed at achieving particular goals. 

AI agents range from simple programs that handle single tasks to sophisticated systems that manage complex processes. They thrive in unpredictable environments, leveraging their learning capabilities to navigate the internet, interact with applications, process vast amounts of data, engage in transactions, and continually refine their methods based on feedback. 


AI Agents in Knowledge Base Systems 

The AI agents support seamless collaboration right from the ingestion of documents to the automation of creating insights. They collaborate by aiding in analysis, tagging, and indexing data emanating from various sources using natural language processing to deduce what the content contains and classify it—based on that, they retrieve information relevant to the business and collate it for real-time access to inform decisions. It continuously learns user behavior for more accurate document retrieval. This automated process makes knowledge management seamless for organizations to extract relevant insights and action items and, thus, implement improvements within all departments. 


Navigating the challenges of Autonomous Knowledge Based 

Managing a large-scale knowledge base comes with several challenges: 

  • 1.Data Fragmentation: The knowledge of a firm is typically fragmented across various departments and systems. Such fragmentation results in duplication of work and inconsistencies in the decisions across an organization. That makes it tough to get a holistic view of the organization-wide knowledge. 

  • 2.Volume of Unstructured Information: Documents contain unstructured information, such as policies, emails, and reports. These would require advanced methods for classification, including NLP and machine learning.  

  • 3.Search Inefficiency: The Inability of traditional keyword-based search mechanisms to comprehend user queries in their contexts results in fetching nonspecific, inadequate results, which causes immense wastage of time and frustration for the workforce seeking information.  

  • 4.Scalability: An increase in information volume does not fit well for traditional systems, as performance bottlenecks develop. Most times, increased data volume brings about increased maintenance cost and system downtimes. These also provide little ability to adapt to changing information needs and hence are inflexible toward business growth. 

  • 5.Compliance and Security: The sensitive information is managed in compliance with the regulations of the industry and data security. The complexity of managing access controls across multiple systems can increase the risk of data breaches. In addition, there is an ever-increasing demand for compliance in various jurisdictions which consequently leads to the ever-increasing demanding task of information management. 

How AI Agents Address These Challenges 

AI agents offer a powerful solution to address these challenges in knowledge management and information retrieval The AI agent utilizes cutting-edge natural language processing and deep learning techniques for analyzing vast structured and unstructured data from various systems. These agents are intelligent enough to understand user queries with context, and intent and hence provide accurate results to the query. AI agents break these information silos and cross-department knowledge sharing; therefore, an organization is able to make a lot better-informed decisions, fostering innovation that, in turn, ensures competitive advantage in today's data-driven world.


Akira AI’s Multi-Agent Solution 

Akira AI introduces a specialized multi-agent system that addresses the inherent challenges of knowledge management through a combination of machine learning and autonomous agents.

Figure: Techincal Architecture of Autonomous Agents for Knowledge Base


Process Flow 

1.Document Input: The process is initiated by uploading the documents related to HR and Finance, in addition to internal information technology policy documents. 

2.Parsing and Embeddings: This module will then process the documents' contents in a manner to develop machine learning-based embeddings. This would include natural language processing by converting the text into a format that can be stored and queried efficiently in the knowledge base. 

3.Document Insertion in Knowledge Base: Now, the distilled information is inserted into the knowledge base which would be referenced while answering the queries. The knowledge base consists of two main components:

I:Vector DB: Stores document embeddings for performing similarity searches efficiently. 

II:Knowledge Graph: This graph is responsible for storing the relationships that bind the different information. 

4.Tagging Document: In this step, metadata or tags are appended to the document to make it more discoverable and organize it. 

5.Multi Agent Legal Analyst: This is an AI agent serving in the role of a legal element during document analysis. Before the system offers any response, it does a compliance check to ensure that any information in that regard has met legal, ethical, and policy guidelines that bar it from giving a non-compliant or wrong response. 

6.Master Agent: It is the main AI agent responsible for handling user queries. It will serve as an orchestrator, or, in other words, it facilitates coordination among all agents to produce some meaningful output. 

7.Query Processing: Direct interaction with the user by means of Guardrails, which provide a bounded interface for querying the knowledge base. Major steps of the processes are—identification of the query expressed in natural language, forwarded to the master agent; discussion with domain agents; deduction of an answer using the available information in the knowledge base.


Tech Stack Used In Autonomous Knowledge Base

Our composite AI framework utilizes the components from traditional Machine learning to advance Multi-agent systems:




 Multi-Agent Layer 


LangChain, Langraph, Autogen: Advanced frameworks for developing, managing, and orchestrating AI agents. 

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) 

Langchain, Llama Index: To build efficient RAG pipelines, combining retrieval and generative capabilities. 

LLM (Large Language Models) 

Domain-specific LLMs: Specialized models fine-tuned for legal analysis.  


Nemo guardrails for enhanced security 

Knowledge Base 

Vector DB 

Pinecone, Qdrant, or Milvus 

Knowledge Graph 

Neo4j or Amazon Neptune 

Document Processing 


ML Module for Parsing and Embeddings 

Hugging Face Transformers, spaCy 

ML Module for Tagging 

TensorFlow or PyTorch with custom models 

Integration Layer 


Document Ingestion 

Apache Tika, PyPDF2 


FastAPI or Flask 

Backend Layer 


Python with FastAPI or Django 

Frontend Layer 

User Interface 

React.js with Material-UI 

Infrastructure Layer 


Docker, Kubernetes 

Security Layer 

Authentication & Authorization 

OAuth 2.0, JWT 


Multi-Agent System Components

Our multiagent solution comprises various domain-specialized agents that work together to achieve a particular goal.

1.ML Module for Tagging and Creating Embeddings 

Machine learning plays an important role in the analysis of ingested documents. It automatically tags important elements, such as entities, topics, keywords, and the likeliness to bring important aspects into view. Also, it forms embeddings or vector representations of the contents of the documents.

2.Knowledge Base (Vector DB and Knowledge Graph) 

  • a) Vector DB: Vector DB is used to store the extracted vectors from the ML module so that the system can provide similarity searches quickly and, accordingly, return related documents with respect to the user's query. 

  • b) Knowledge Graph: It represents knowledge by connecting various entities and their relations. The Knowledge Graph will help the system in presenting context-sensitive structured responses, especially in cases of queries comprising more than one interrelated concept


3. Multi-Agent System (MAS) Components 

The core of the system is a multi-agent architecture through which specialized agents cooperate to satisfy users' queries. 

  • 1.Master Agent: The central command unit directs the overall automation of the knowledge process. It then accords with agentic workflow by delegating the tasks to other agents so that at every stage in the process, each step is free of errors. It relies on an LLM for higher-order decision-making. The knowledge graph captures the routes, rules, and relationships related to this domain and integrates the results into the Master Orchestrator Agent.  

  • 2.Agentic RAG (Retrieve-Augmented Generation) Agents: They fetch the relevant documents to the knowledge base and summarize or directly answer them. They use context from the vector database and the knowledge graph to return enriched, accurate answers. 

  • 3.External Sources Agent: If the internal knowledge is insufficient, it interfaces with the external APIs or databases to get the required information and sends back a complete response. 

  • 4.Action Agent: This agent is responsible for executing some particular action requested by users. Users might, for example, generate some reports or automate workflows. It interfaces with the other tools, making the system an 'actor' to do the user's tasks.

  • 4.Guardrails 

The Guardrails would keep the answers of the system within the legal, ethical, and policy guidelines. Before any answer can be given to the stakeholders, the component Guardrails do a purification of the information to avoid the leakage of wrong or improper data, hence, maintaining precision and compliance more specially on sensitive areas of HR or legal information. 

5. User Interaction 

Users engage with the system by submitting queries related to internal policies or requesting specific actions. The multi-agent system interprets these requests and coordinates between various agents to deliver the most relevant, accurate, and actionable information. Seamless interaction allows users to quickly obtain the information they need or automate tasks with minimal effort.


 Traditional AI Solutions  vs. Akira AI Multi-Agent Solution 


Traditional Solutions 

Akira AI Multi-Agent Solution 

Update Frequency 

Occasional & Manual: Updates happen on a fixed schedule or as needed, often leading to outdated information. 

Dynamic & Real-Time: Updates occur continuously. This ensures the knowledge base is always current and relevant. 

Knowledge Retrieval 

Keyword-based search 

Contextual search with RAG agents 

Response to New Information 

Slow & Reactive: New information is incorporated slowly, 

Instant Integration: New data is automatically processed and integrated, which keeps the knowledge base fresh. 

Error Correction 

Manual & Reactive: Errors are fixed as they are noticed, which can lead to delays in correction. 

Proactive & Automated: Errors are detected and corrected in real-time by AI agents, minimizing disruptions. 

Compliance Updates 

Manual: Compliance checks are done manually, which can lead to inconsistencies and potential oversights. 

Automated & Integrated: Continuous compliance monitoring ensures that updates align with current regulations without manual effort. 

Data Integration 

Fragmented & Time-Consuming: Data from various sources is manually consolidated, which can be inefficient. 

Unified & Instant: AI agents integrate data from multiple sources in real-time. 

Adaptability to Change 

Slow & Rigid: Adapting to new information or changes requires manual adjustments and can be slow. 

Agile & Responsive: The system swiftly adjusts to new data and changing requirements with minimal manual input. 


Key Benefits of Autonomous Knowledge Base Solution

  • 1.Improved Efficiency: The AI agents constantly monitor and validate information; hence, the chances of out-of-date or wrong content being posted are reduced. Real-time accuracy better estimates overall efficiency, which can provide updated and precise information to users. 

  • 2.Faster and More Efficient: Automation maximizes updating, error correction, and integration at the knowledge base. It lacks the delay usually brought by changes in updating the information. The speed extends the response time further and streamlines the management at the knowledge base. 

  • 3.Scalability and Flexibility: The solution is designed to scale easily with the growth of data and user interactions. The system also adapts quickly to new requirements or changes to ensure that it remains relevant and effective as organizational needs evolve. 

  • 4.Proactive Compliance Management: The compliance of applicable regulations and standards is automatically checked by the AI agents. This proactive approach minimizes non-compliance risk along with associated penalties which helps in maintaining the integrity of the knowledge base. 

  • 5.Easy Data Integration: The system excels at integrating different sources of data into one unified knowledge base. This reduces data fragmentation and issues of manual consolidation. It therefore offers a complete and consistent knowledge base easily accessed.



Incorporating a multi-agent AI system for knowledge management significantly improves the efficiency, accuracy, and scalability of traditional systems. Akira AI’s multi-agent solution addresses the core challenges faced in managing large, complex knowledge bases, transforming the way organizations retrieve and use information. By leveraging AI agents, companies can ensure that critical knowledge is available on demand, while maintaining the security and compliance required in today’s regulatory landscape.