How Agentic AI Transforming the customer experience

The Dawn of Agentic AI: Shaping the Future of Business and Innovation

Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 17 May 2024


Key Insights

Einstein SDR Agent autonomously engages with inbound leads, in natural language, to answer questions, handle objections, and book meetings for human sellers Einstein Sales Coach Agent autonomously engages in role-plays with sellers, simulating a buyer during discovery, pitch, or negotiation calls Accenture will leverage these agents to improve deal team effectiveness, scale to support more deals, and allow their people to focus their time and effort on the most complex deals


In the dynamic landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is not just evolving; it is fundamentally revolutionizing how we comprehend and interact with the digital world. The latest breakthroughs in AI are ushering in an era of agentic AI, marking a significant departure from traditional systems primarily focused on data processing. This new paradigm redefines our interaction with machines, revolutionizing problem-solving methodologies within businesses across various industries. The integration of agentic AI is poised to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth. Organizations embracing this transformative technology are poised to gain a competitive edge in an increasingly digital-centric world. The potential applications of agentic AI are vast, from personalized customer experiences to predictive analytics and autonomous decision-making. The future is bright for those who harness the power of agentic AI to drive progress and shape the next generation of technological advancement. 

The New Frontier: Agentic AI as Collaborators and Innovators 

Imagine a future where AI systems transcend their conventional roles to become collaborators, problem solvers, and innovators. This is not a distant sci-fi fantasy but an imminent reality brought forth by the advent of agentic AI. The potential applications are vast and varied, encompassing manufacturing, healthcare, and creative domains. This transformative shift is not just coming; it is already beginning to reshape our interactions with technology and the ways businesses tackle their most intricate challenges. 

Deciphering the Agentic AI Paradigm 

At the heart of this revolution are AI agents, autonomous entities designed to perform tasks, make decisions, and interact with their environments in a manner reminiscent of human intelligence. These agents are distinguished by several key attributes that set them apart from traditional AI systems: 

Autonomy: Agentic AI operates with a significant level of independence. Armed with defined objectives and an evolving comprehension of their surroundings, these systems make decisions and initiate actions autonomously, minimizing the reliance on direct human oversight. 

Adaptability: Agentic AI systems are not rigid or brittle, unlike their predecessors. They are engineered to learn, evolve, and adapt. They exhibit unparalleled flexibility by analyzing patterns, adjusting strategies in response to changes, and refining their decision-making processes through simulations and introspection. 

Proactivity: Agentic AI does not merely react to external stimuli. It proactively engages with its environment, seeks opportunities to fulfil its objectives, anticipates potential issues before they fully emerge, and independently devises solutions. 

Contrasting Traditional AI with Agentic AI 

To fully appreciate the revolutionary nature of agentic AI, it is instructive to contrast it with traditional AI systems. Traditional AI excels in narrowly defined tasks, thrives in structured environments with clear rules, and operates effectively in scenarios where processes are strictly delineated. However, it is constrained by its limited scope, reliance on human direction, and difficulty adapting to unforeseen changes. 

Conversely, agentic AI is built for autonomy, designed to navigate complex real-world scenarios, and capable of adjusting its strategies as situations evolve. This marks a profound shift from AI as a tool or specialized system requiring human input to AI as a collaborative partner capable of independent action and interaction with the real world. 

The Breakthrough of Agentic Workflows 

The promise of agentic workflows is more than merely theoretical. Andrew Ng's team at AI Fund illustrated a compelling example of their potential. In a groundbreaking experiment, they wrapped GPT-3.5, a powerful generative AI model, in an agentic loop, which dramatically improved its performance on a coding benchmark—jumping from an accuracy of 48.1% to an astounding 95.1%. This leap in performance underscores the transformative power of collaborative AI agents. 

Key Advantages of Agentic Workflows 

The benefits of adopting agentic workflows are manifold: 

Enhanced Performance: By working collaboratively, AI agents can achieve significantly higher accuracy and effectiveness than possible when operating in isolation. 

Adaptability: Agentic workflows are inherently dynamic, capable of adjusting strategies in real-time in response to new information and changing conditions, thus offering unparalleled flexibility. 

Increased Efficiency: Through the division of labour and optimization of processes, AI agents can autonomously streamline complex tasks, leading to improved operational efficiency. 

These attributes position agentic workflows as a revolutionary force capable of transforming industries by creating more intelligent, flexible, and efficient AI systems. 

Agentic AI in Action: Transforming Industries 

The implications of agentic AI are profound, with transformative potential across various sectors: 

  • Customer Service: AI agents can proactively resolve complex issues and personalize experiences, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction. 

  • Cybersecurity: Agentic AI can autonomously react to emerging threats in real time, evolving protective strategies based on observed attack patterns. 

  • Healthcare: AI agents could revolutionize medical diagnostics and treatment by analyzing patient data and assisting in surgeries. 

  • Transportation and Logistics: Agentic AI could underpin autonomous vehicle navigation and optimize global shipping routes amid changing conditions. 

  • Financial Services: agentic AI could uncover patterns and strategies beyond human capabilities in fraud detection and market analysis. 

The Role of Generative AI 

Generative AI models, especially the LLM, that power text generation, act as a brain of Agents giving them the power of reasoning.  Here's how:   

Enhanced Problem Solving

Generative AI gives agentic AI a way to "think outside the box." It can simulate scenarios, suggest new solutions, and help an AI agent refine its approach on the fly by generating alternatives. 

Human-AI Collaboration

The ability of generative AI to communicate, create, and explain information in human-understandable ways fosters more seamless collaboration between humans and agentic AI systems. 

Enterprise Adoption of Agentic AI: How Enterprises can leverage Agentic AI 

Transitioning to agentic AI isn't simply a technology update – it's a strategic shift.  Enterprise adoption and should follow a carefully considered approach: 

  • Targeted Pilot Projects: Start small. Identify focused use cases where agentic AI's autonomy and adaptable problem-solving can provide clear benefits. Early successes build momentum. 

  • Skillset Evolution: Agentic AI calls for new capabilities. Invest in training technical teams, but also focus on cultivating business analyst's adept at defining objectives an AI agent can strive for, not task-by-task instructions.  

  • Processes, Not Just Tools: Examine existing workflows. Where can agentic AI take on decisions currently made by humans? Where can it monitor data streams for proactive intervention? Reengineer processes for a human-AI partnership.   

Responsible AI: Challenges and Guiding Principles 

Agentic AI's potential is vast, as are the considerations for its ethical deployment: 

  • Control and Explainability: Build-in safeguards.  Understanding how an agentic AI arrived at decisions is crucial for trust.  

  • Bias Mitigation: Agentic AI, like any AI system, can perpetuate biases. Proactive identification and mitigation in the data and design phases is critical. 

  • Regulation: Thoughtful regulatory frameworks are necessary to ensure agentic AI is applied safely, fairly, and transparently as it permeates society. 

Akira AI:  Re-envision and Re-design Agentic Workflows  

Akira AI is a platform which provides end to end services for building, deploying and managing the Agentic workflows for the enterprises. Akira AI will act as your partner to build secure Agentic workflows by providing the best services and consulting required to re-envision your business needs with generative ai. 

Visit us at to know more. 


The rise of agentic AI marks a new era, where machines shift from mere tools to adaptable partners. It offers solutions to pressing problems but also demands careful consideration. The future belongs to the enterprises that embrace the potential of agentic AI, approach it strategically, and navigate the ethical challenges responsibly.



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