AI Experiments and Showcases - Akira AI

Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security - Akira AI

Written by Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | Oct 11, 2020 4:11:40 PM

What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at assessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative. There are different types of threats with cyber security has to deal with some of them are:

  • Advanced Malware.
  • Insider threats.
  • Transaction frauds. 
  • Encrypted attacks. 
  • Data exfiltration.
  • The exploitation of run-time application.
  • Acquisition of accounts.
  • Lateral movement

How AI can help in Cybersecurity?

It is totally true that “Prevention is better than cure” and to prevent a disease it should identified first but with the emergence of the new tool in the field of cyber crime it is hard to identify and to prevent these threats with rule based approaches. That is where Artificial Intelligence can play a key role. Artificial Intelligence can be used to identify and as well as to prevent it.

AI can identify Cyber Attacks

Artificial Intelligence can be modeled to identify unawared attack in the space of cyber crime, whether it is a high security based website  or it is a web platform. In the case of identification, AI is the primary method which should be used to detect cyber attacks. AI also have the ability to clock unauthorised entry in the first place.

AI can prevent Cyber Attacks

After the identification of cyber attacks, AI can be used to prevent these before these attacks can even strike. For that the identifications of cyber attacks can be used, once the identification is done, Pattern Analysis could be used to detect their specific pattern. These patterns can be used by a machine learning and deep learning to learn themselves and these learning can be used to prevent any cyber attack.

Different types of analytics which can be used  for cyber security are: 

  • Perspective Analytics: Determination of the actions required for analysis or response.

  • Diagnostic Analytics: Evaluation of root cause analysis and modus operandi of the incidents and attacks.

  • Predictive Analytics: Determination of higher risk users and assets in the future and the likelihood of upcoming threats.

  • Detective Analytics: Recognition of hidden, unknown threats, bypassed threats, advanced malware, and lateral movement.

  • Descriptive Analytics: For obtaining the current status and performance of the metrics and trends.

What does it take for applying AI on Cybersecurity?

Till now it is cleared that for fighting cyber security, Artificial Intelligence is the most prominent and evolved tool nowadays. But when a technology is introduced, it has to tackle its own challenges by using its own components.

Concluding AI for Cybersecurity

AI for Cyber security is not a function of applying just one technique. To stay ahead of evolving threats, a network visibility and analytics solution needs to be able to use a combination of methods.

This begins by collecting the right data for comprehensive visibility and using analytical techniques such as behavioral modeling and machine learning. All this is supplemented by global threat intelligence that is aware of the malicious campaigns and maps the suspicious behavior to an identified threat for increased fidelity of detection.