How Agentic AI Transforming the customer experience

Revolutionizing Banking Operations with Agentic AI

Dr. Jagreet Kaur Gill | 28 September 2024


Key Insights

Agentic AI is transforming banking by enhancing efficiency and customer engagement through automation and personalized services. It supports real-time decision-making, robust risk management, and fraud detection. With predictive analytics and data integration, banks can optimize operations and foster stronger customer relationships, shaping the future of banking with innovative growth opportunities.

Banks are under pressure to transform concerning the current trend among the customers and the current development in laws, regulations, and competitors. Today's banking systems are outdated; it is about time they became responsive to new technologies as much for their customers. This has brought forth the concept of Agentic AI as an innovative tool that seeks to reintroduce a new way banks approach and undertake business.

With the current focus of many institutions to optimize operations, improve the overall banking customer experience, and sustain competitiveness, the use of AI agents assumes the most importance. However, it must be noted that intelligent systems not only conduct autonomous operations but also provide, for example, banks with assistance in stating decisions based on the acquired data.

In this blog post, we are going to reveal how agentic AI works in banking, what use cases it has, what it implies, and what might be the further evolution of it. 


Understanding the Need for Agentic AI in Banking  

Banking has remained a slow, tedious process that many customers find unconstructively engaging. With the advancement in the use of the internet and advancement in technology, specifically in the use of mobiles, banking has become online banking. Still, even such improvements have their drawbacks. Different consumers today hold very high expectations of organizations regarding efficiency and the time taken to respond, as well as customized services, which traditional systems can only but fail to address.


With the help of such means as developed algorithms and machine learning, Agentic AI contributes to the ability of banks to process information more effectively and quickly. It saves time by performing repetitive tasks and offers forecasts that banks can use to understand the customers' needs and market trends. This proactive strategy is essential in any organization despite the rapid changes in the industry. 


How Does Agentic AI Transform Banking for Banks and Consumers?

For Banks 

  1. Efficiency: Agentic AI as a form of an agent significantly reduces the amount of time taken to accomplish ordinary processes, reduces expenses of running the operations, and provides high-quality work with minimal rates of error. Operations like data input, loan documentation, and transaction checks can be tended to by software so that the employees remain engaged only in more important activities.  

  2. Data Insights: AI agents use big data to offer strategic and tactical solutions, hence improving decisions made. In conclusion, assessment of prior results and present trends enables the right decisions to be made regarding product portfolios, pricing, and risk within the context of a bank.  

  3. Risk Management: Real-time fraud detection, monitoring of compliance and other aspects become possible, given that AI runs through the transactions in real-time. This capability increases the structured risk monitoring and management capability of the bank and will aid it in preventing circumstances that generate costly legal episodes and undesirable media exposure.    

For Consumers 

  1. Personalization: Agentic AI helps banks tailor their products and services to the needs and preferences of their customers. Through customer behavior observation of spending and financial needs, banks can suggest products that would meet every customer’s need.  

  2. Accessibility: When customers engage in AI chatbots, they are constantly supported, and their problems are solved in due course. The readiness of such technologies always enables a customer to get the required support at a particular time and build confidence in their banking channel.  

  3. Speed: Non sunk costs are incurred once and there is always an improvement in the timely credit evaluation and other transactions which are advantageous for the customers. Agentic AI facilitates this as it performs credit assessments within instants and delivers funds transfers in as short a time as possible to meet society’s dynamic nature.

How Does Agentic AI for Banking Work?  

  1. Data Integration  

    Agentic AI systems collect information from sources such as transactions, customers, and market data among others. This kind of synthesis of operations provides clarity that is helpful for banks to make sound decisions. Combining different data sources improves the quality of both mover and analyst-derived information and provides a better ability to forecast future customers’ actions and the overall market in which the company competes.  

  2. Predictive Analytics  

    Agentic AI-driven analysis of these facts makes it possible to predict trends and customers' behaviors in the future. This capability enables the banks to interact with customers, find out what their needs are and how they might be met, and respond to risks where necessary. It can also help discover conditions that may be suggestive of the future need for additional services by customers, thus enabling the banks to manage a situation before it becomes a problem.

    For example, if a certain customer is in the position of a consumer of loans, then the bank can propose an adequate financial consultation or other necessities.   

  3. Autonomous Decision-Making 

    With agentic AI, organizations can complete basic operational processes automatically and efficiently freeing up human resources for more elaborate operations. This independence is most helpful in such fields as credit applications since an AI system can assess numerous applications against set standards within a much shorter amount of time than human analysts. If these processes are effectively executed, the banks can increase efficiency and quality of service delivery.


Exploring the Benefits of Agentic AI to the Banking Sector 

  1. Improved Customer Engagement: Customers converse with AI chatbots and virtual assistants because they react at any time of the day and meet the customer’s needs at the soonest possible time, enhancing customer satisfaction. This not only improves the satisfaction level of the customer but also relieves the overburdening of the customer service personnel to respond to various simple queries which are easily managed with the help of such a chatbot system.

  2. Enhanced Risk Assessment: Agentic AI applies huge data sets to assess the risk factors, this assists in producing crucial and suitable risk management measures. While compared to more conventional approaches to risk assessment, AI allows banks to have a more extensive perspective on various aspects of risks that may be linked to loans, investments, and market conditions.

  3. Specific Financial Services: Agentic AI enables banks to develop relevant products and services; improving customer relations through advances in suggestions. This information simply implies that the bank will be able to distinguish some of the requirements and wants of the customers, it will thus be able to offer solutions that enhance the retention degree of its customers.  

  4. Streamlined Operations: The automation of sub-processes using agentic AI helps increase throughput and improve the efficiency and distribution of manpower to handle governance. For instance, the automation of transaction processing will in many ways cut down the time taking and hence improve the rate of banking.  

  5. Data-Driven Insights: Agentic AI helps narrow down the optimization of strategic actions or investment decisions based on a better understanding of market and customer behavior. By applying high-level data analysis solutions, a bank can make forecasts of the shifts in the customers’ demand for their products and adjust them.   

  6. Improved Compliance Monitoring: Agentic AI oversees transactions to ensure compliance with the law to bring down the prospect of receiving fines and enhance governance. In this way, the banks will be able to confirm they have not infringed on any code of regulations, and they are operating on a system that will not be very demanding of compliance in the management.  

Applications of Agentic AI Across Banking Operations

application of banking Figure: Use Cases of Banking Sector


  1. Fraud Detection  
    Within the framework of Agentic AI, machine learning algorithms can assess values to detect transactions supposedly fraudulent. Since such systems can compute historical data, they can for instance draw attention to a developing high-risk activity in an on-going operation that threatens the bank, and the latter must take appropriate action to prevent it.  

  2. Transaction Monitoring in Real-Time  
    AI systems incorporate ongoing transaction monitoring to easily detect any anomalous activities. The above capability is useful in managing risk aspects that relate to other unauthorized economic transactions and enhances general security.  
  3. Automated Credit Checks  
    AI can be used in credit assessments; with real-time data, a bank can assess a borrower’s credit worth. This automation helps to streamline the approval of loans with very effective evaluations done in the shortest time possible.  

  4. Chatbots & Virtual Assistants  
    Chatbots backed by agentic AI act as complements for client service since they are always available to tackle minor inquiries and some purchases. These types of virtual assistants can be used to check the balance, resolve transaction disputes enhance customer satisfaction, and save time.
  5. Personalized Recommendations  
    Agentic AI makes it possible to use customer data to help customers get appropriate financial products and services. On this basis, banks can come close to telling the customer where precisely to spend the money, thereby extending the nature of the relationship.  

  6. Analyzing Customer Behavior  
    AI agents capture data for customer interactions to gauge their behaviors and preferences. It helps the banks to structure their markets of delivery and be able to develop efficient strategies to talk to their clients.

  7. Analyzing Market Trends  
    AI agents consider the market and consumers, so the banks have the elements to make profitable decisions. The identification of new trends helps make the needed changes for the banks to offer the customers what they want in the market.

  8. Portfolio Management  
    Agentic AI plays a role in portfolio management to assess general performance and trends in the market. This capability helps the banks to make the right investment decisions on behalf of the clients for more returns with reference to the client’s risk-taking abilities and their financial objectives.
  9. Automated Loan Approvals  
    Agentic AI helps to accelerate the evaluation of data and consequently obtain approval for the loan. The main idea is to compare the applications with the list of decision criteria, which will significantly enhance the banks’ work pace and positively affect the customers.
  10. Customer Segmentation  
    Agentic AI along with the analysis of customers patronizing the service and demographic information categorizes customers into groups. This segmentation enables marketing departments in banks to market their product based on the needs of the different groups of consumers.  

  11. Automating Risk Management  
    AI agents perform evaluation on risk factors in real time thus availing banks to automate their risk management decision-making. This capability enables the institutions to mitigate new risks as soon as they arise and in addition transforms the total risk management framework of an institution.  

  12. Competitor Analysis  
    Competitors use agentic AI in observing market activities and positions themselves, including banks. This allows banks to compare their offerings with those of other competitors, their pricing models, and hear from the customers themselves, to see where they can enhance differentiation.
  13. Regulation Reduction  
    Agentic AI simplifies the way compliance checks and continues to monitor the banks, providing real-time compliance reports if needed. The consistent monitoring of transactions and operations through the usage of AI minimizes the threshold for non-compliance and improves the profession of governance.
  14. Predictive Analytics 
    In the case of banks, agentic AI uses data about customers and market trends and creates models that help identify and respond to their needs in advance. The use of historical information enables banking firms to forecast market trends and adapt well in advance.  

  15. AI-Driven Contract Analysis  
    Agentic AI makes it easier to work with contracts as a digital tool to review and analyze legal instruments. This capability assists in reducing the time and energy required in the process when handling contracts Thus enabling the banks to manage contracts well.  

  16. Automated Financial Reporting  
    Daily monetary values are gathered and processed, with report generation made easier by AI agents. This efficiency stylizes the workload in the finance teams and facilitates timely and accurate reporting generation. 

  17. Identification of Additional Sale & Similar Sale Opportunities  
    AI agents provide recommendations regarding selling additional and other related financial products. By identifying customer needs and their behavior, the banks can target their customers with related offers that create upgraded customer value.
  18. Accurate Customer Churn Prediction  
    With the help of AI agents, companies can estimate customers likely to churn using patterns of their behavior and non-engagement. Thus, by identifying those weak signals, the banks can act on them by coming up with special measures to retain those important customers.  

  19. Advanced Document Processing  
    Agentic AI improves the processes of analyzing different types of financial documents due to the increased use of artificial intelligence. This capability integrates processes, lowers error rates, and shortens the time needed for transactions.
  20. Automated Regulatory Reporting  
    Agentic AI helps to generate and submit regulatory compliance reports for the banks; thus, they are always in compliance and have no delays. This makes the calculations to be easier and it reduces the amount of work to be done by the compliance teams.   

  21. Debt Management  
    Agentic AI helps consumers manage their debts through the assessment of the consumers’ environments and coming up with the way forward in paying such debts. All these supports make it easy for the customers to make the right choices regarding their financial balance.
  22. Spend Category Analysis  
    Agentic AI breaks down customer expenditure and organizes expenses to gain more knowledge on how such expenditures can be arranged for proper customer usage. Such an analysis helps people to develop the financial literacy that will lead to appropriate expenditure.   

  23. Financial Robo-Advisory  
    According to the financial plan along with risk appetite, a forecasted robo-advisor will suggest particular investment services. This is offered so that all those customers who wish to plan their finance’s future will be able to use the bot for ideal guidance without any human financial planner’s assistance. 

Steps for Banks to Get Agentic AI-Ready  

  1. Assess Existing Systems: Examine existing applications in an orderly fashion and find out in what area the organization would be able to use artificial intelligence. 

  2. Invest in Training: Train the staff about the implemented AI technologies and how they will be used to eliminate possible resistance from the staff and to get the most out of the AI systems. Thus, training should include information about AI itself, as well as possible implications for customer focus and organization optimization.  

  3. Data Management: The organization must develop standard data management methods to ensure that its data is credible, easily accessible, and meets legal requirements. Data management refers to the standards that govern data to ensure the data used by AI systems is correct and protected.  

  4. Pilot Programs: Banks should scale it into small pilot projects for tasks or functions to determine its implementation. The application of AI technologies in the banking sector is a new and untested concept, meaning that pilot programs are the best approach as they contain a bank's risk exposure in trying to implement such concepts in the industry.  

  5. Collaborate with AI Experts: Research AI systems and AI-supporting services most appropriate for banking and work with the vendors and providers. Engaging outside help will help speed up the process and guarantee that these innovations are the most efficient that banks can use.


How Does an Agentic AI Solution Power Akira AI's Empower Banks? 

  1. Augmented Decision-Making: When it comes to decision-making, Akira AI provides bankers with information and suggestions in real-time so that they can make sound decisions in the shortest time possible. This capability helps to improve their timely reaction to needs and changes in the market environment.

    The information obtained from Akira AI may range from predictions, risks, and potential customer trends that bankers will be able to access without having to search from everywhere.  

  2. Automation of Routine Tasks: Centralized analysis puts together as much of vertical workflow as possible — input of goods, back-office completion, production of reports which gives bankers occasion to engage in other, more important projects and adds effectiveness and joy to the workplace. 

    It reduces the number of human errors experienced in the provision of services, particularly in situations where an individual would be performing a relentless activity.

  3. Enhanced Customer Insights: Akira AI deciphers customers’ behavior and choice patterns to help bankers deliver solutions that are unique and relevant to each of them. Analyzing customers’ requirements increases the quality of relations between them and bankers, so it is possible to offer individual services that contribute to trust.  

  4. Improved Collaboration: Using Akira AI, the cooperation of organizational members is smooth, and this leads to improved efficiency to increase productivity. It also eliminates compartmentalization of ends within the organization since information gets shared allowing different teams to cooperate. 

Future Agentic AI Trends in Banking  

  1. Hyper-Personalization: Agentic AI will help banks personalize their products and services even more deeply to meet customer needs. This will be done by leveraging artificial intelligence in analyzing great volumes of data and coming up with a personalized product presentation that is useful to the customers.    

  2. Integration of Blockchain: Applying both AI and blockchain technology with the transactions will improve security and increase trust among consumers. This might dramatically change the way banks work with transactions.  

  3. Regulatory Technology: Agentic AI will help in compliance by streamlining the way, it will assist in compliance with numerous elaborate legal requirements and minimize business hassles. This will be important because the requirements for regulation are likely to become more stringent in the future.  

  4. Increased Customer Autonomy: When Agentic AI develops more and more, they will pay more and more attention to using Artificial Intelligence to handle their financial business and make more decisions independently. Customers are likely to desire or anticipate greater decisional control over their finances, and AI is likely to enhance this freedom.  

  5. Agentic AI-Enhanced Cybersecurity : Agentic AI will further enhance cybersecurity and assist the banks as they protect themselves from new and complex threats. Machine learning about the flow of traffic can depict possible security threats quickly enough to assist banks in mitigating threats.

Conclusion: Banking Operations

The banking sector, in the coming future, will be centered on personalization, efficiency, and trust shaping a more transparent, and customer-centric banking into the coming future. This is best illustrated by the profound potential of Agentic AI to reinvent industrial scale financial services in ways that maybe more effectively speak to the needs of modern consumers than anything seen before. 

Experience Seamless Banking Innovation.


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